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Daddy Daycare

(Guest post by James :)) 6 weeks of daddy daycare has come to an end and it's finally starting to hit me. It has been a crazy experience...

Zion Jameson Choi | The Eighth Month

How is my baby already EIGHT months?! Z has slowly but quickly transitioned from being a true baby baby to now looking more like a...

Zion Jameson Choi | The Seventh Month

January was a big month for a family (hopefully marking the start of a big year)! We started off the year with a quick day trip to San...

Zion Jameson Choi | The Sixth Month

Six. Months. I really can't believe we've had Z in our family for half a year now. It passed in a blink of an eye and I wish so badly...

Zion Jameson Choi | The Fifth Month

This fifth month has been full of ups and downs - from sleeping progression and regression (the main theme for month 5) to our first long...

Zion Jameson Choi | The Fourth Month

A week behind due to travels and sleep regression. I'm writing this while I sit in the car in the garage on the first night of sleep...

Zion Jameson Choi | The Third Month

3 months seems like a big one (though I probably think that about every month) Lately I've been reflecting a lot more about parenthood...

Zion Jameson Choi | The Second Month

Our boy is growing like a weed! As of today, he is 100% in height and 70% in weight. He officially started wearing 3 month clothes as a 6...

Zion Jameson Choi | The First Month

It's hard to believe that Zion is already a month old. These days feel like the longest, shortest season and though I constantly tell...

Zion Jameson Choi | Birth Story

Leading up to Zion's birth, we were both convinced he would be a late baby. James was 2 weeks late when he was born and I only came a day...

Any day now

It's hard to believe our little one is about to come any day now! We're less than 2 weeks out from our due date and, as of today's...

2021. Second Trimester.

Another long overdue post It's hard to believe that we are fully into the second trimester (week 17) of this pregnancy! Even harder to...

Pregnancy Week 8-9

It's been a minute since I've blogged on here and so much has happened! Last Monday, I finally went to the doctor to have my first...

Finally told him the news!

The cat's out of the bag and I finally told him I'm pregnant. It was by far, the LONGEST week and I could barely keep it in! Monday,...

Tomorrow is the day

where I will finally share with James that he is about to be a dad. !!! Since I found out about the pregnancy almost a week ago, I've...

I'm Pregnant

It's 6:30AM right now. I'm sitting on the sofa in our Airbnb in Park City and I haven't been able to keep my mind from racing since I...

The Engagement Story

These past few months have been an utter whirlwind. It’s hard to believe that it’s already more than 3 months since the engagement. What...

We're Engaged!

It's been 5 days since the engagement happened and the reality of it has finally started settling in. There have been so many emotions...

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